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an eco friendly renovation

clay and hemp

When we renovated White Lilac we set ourselves the goal of making it as environmentally friendly as possible, not only through the use of modern energy saving technologies, but also and above all through the use of centuries-old natural building materials that offer a wide range of health benefits.

materiale di costruzione naturale

To further improve the insulation and guarantee our guests healthy rooms, we then installed 2 cm thick clay panels on the external walls. The clay plaster containing natural pigments was then laid on top. Just like hemp, the beneficial properties of clay include regulating temperature and humidity. Being breathable, the clay can absorb sudden condensation when the humidity levels are high. Moisture is then released back into the atmosphere when the air dries. This means that even on sultry summer nights, the humidity levels inside the house are pleasant.
Rooms with clay walls improve the quality of the indoor air and prevent the formation of dust. This creates a healthy environment, ideal for allergy sufferers.
Clay has three additional beneficial properties: shielding against electromagnetic fields, eliminating unpleasant odors and reducing noise levels.

argilla, naturale,eco-friendly

For the insulation we have chosen compressed hemp slabs. Hemp is an ideal natural insulator because it is biodegradable and capable of regulating thermal performance and maintaining structural rigidity. It also acts as a "moisture buffer" as it can absorb and retain moisture and then let it evaporate more slowly. Each perimeter wall is covered with a hemp panel.

canapa isolamento termico naturale
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